Bonus Sections

Besides the content you have already discovered in this lab, we have provided some additional sections that let you explore some other tools to work with some of these APIs, as well as add extra functionality to your portal.

Specifically, we will cover the APIs for Cisco Unity Connection and Cisco Meeting Server, each of which have REST-based APIs that are fairly straightforward. For each case, he did not leverage an SDK, as we did with the Webex APIs, but rather built a reusable REST layer for each of these APIs to use.

If you aren't interested in examining these APIs in detail, but rather want to just insert the code to make the portal more functional, just go through each of the portal pages below, scroll to the bottom, click the View completed File link, and then click Copy copy the entire file contents into your portal's respective file.

The bonus section content falls into two categories: product-specific APIs and how to work with them using tools such as Postman, and Python examples implementing portions of these APIs by way of the portal.

Product-specific APIs:

  1. This Overview, which covers Postman basics
  2. Unity Connection Provisioning - which covers the Unity CUPI API in detail
  3. Cisco Meeting Server (CMS) API

Additional Portal sections:

  1. REST Class Methods
  2. Unity Connection (CUPI)
  3. Cisco Meeting Server (CMS)

While the Webex APIs have a querying tool build directly into their documentations, the Unity Connection and CMS APIs do not. Therefore, we will introduce a popular tool to accomplish the same tasks.

Step 1 - Postman

Postman is already installed on your student virtual machine. You will first build your own queries to understand the process better, then use a Postman Collection, which is simply a pre-defined group of queries that can be organized and use variables to avoid having to build every query from scratch.

All REST APIs we will work with use the HTTPS protocol to ensure that the API requests are encrypted. In many cases, the SSL certificates on the servers providing the REST API use self-signed certificates. As a result, clients like Postman may generate an error because they cannot trust the server. In a production environment, you would want to use proper CA-signed certificates so that this is not an issue. For this lab, you will have Postman simply disable SSL certificate verification so that it will ignore untrusted certificates. Perform these steps:

  1. From the Desktop of your Remote Desktop session, launch the Postman application.
    You may notice a yellow bar indicating Working locally in Scratch Pad. This is normal.
  2. Click File > Settings
  3. On get General tab, make sure that the SSL certificate verification option to make sure it is set to OFF (greyed out).
  4. Click the X to close the Settings window.

Now you are ready to attempt your first request. For illustration purposes, you will send a request to a Cisco Meeting Server (CMS) to query its system status.

  1. From the blank Postman UI, Find the + icon to create a new request.

  2. Notice the default request type is GET. If you click on GET you will see a list of verbs supported by Postman. For now, leave it set to GET.
  3. To the right of GET, you should see a field that says Enter request URL. This is where you will enter the URL to which you send the query. Enter the following URL into this field: https://cms1a.pod6.col.lab:8443/api/v1/system/status
  4. For most queries, authentication of some form is required. In this case, you will use basic username and password authentication, so you need to configure these credentials in Postman to send with the request. Below the GET button, there is an Authorization tab. Select it now.
  5. For the Type of authorization, select Basic Auth from the drop-down
  6. After selecting Basic Auth, enter the Username of admin and the Password as C1sco.123
    Postman will add these credentials to the request as a Header item.
  7. The Headers tab does not require any specific changes for this particular query, because you are not sending a payload and the Postman tool is able to display anything this server can send to us. Later on this will be one area of differentiation in the various REST services you will explore.
  8. Finally, click the blue Send button.

  9. The response is now shown in the pane below at the right side. You will notice that there is a Status message with a 200 OK. This is extremely important to check each time you send something, just to be sure the request was understood by the server, meaning there was no typo or an invalid parameter used, or even an authentication failure. In general, anything in the 200-299 range is a success; whereas a 404 would indicate the URL destination was not found. A 401 is generally an authentication error and a 503 indicates "server busy". Other 5XX responses usually indicate some system problem, or something is malformed in the request.
  10. The response payload or body is shown with the Body tab selected. By default it will be in "Pretty" format, which simply adds spacing/indentation to the XML or JSON response, if possible. In this case, the response is in XML, so the data is surrounded by keys, such as:
    which is nested under <status>...</status>

Step 2 - Postman Collections

While you could create each query by hand like this, pasting the URLs and filling in header/content values, Postman has the concept of a Collection, which are simply several preconfigured queries in a folder. You should already have a Collection loaded into your Postman instance, called HOLCOL-2574. The Collection will have required URLs, pod number and credentials pre-configured for all queries, so they don't need to be entered each time. Follow these steps to explore your Postman Collection.

  1. In Postman, make sure at the left side of the screen, the side-bar is visible (otherwise select View > Toggle Sidebar).
  2. On that side-bar, make sure the Collections tab is selected.
  3. Expand the HOLCOL-2574 collection. You should see two folders, Direct to Server and Via Portal API, as well as a GET request at the bottom.
  4. Click on the GET CMS system status - Sample Query item. The sample query should open as a new tab.

  5. You will notice all settings are already filled in. The Collection has some variables defined, such as the {{cms}} variable, so when you see that in the URL, be assured that your CMS hostname will be substituted in its place. Click Send and you'll observe the same results as before. (If needed, the View > Show Postman Console can show the raw request/response for additional detail)

In the next section you will explore a RESTful API in depth: the Cisco Unity Provisioning Interface API.