As mentioned, this is also not a class about learning Python. We selected Python due to its popularity, readability, and the abundance of external libraries like Zeep (a SOAP client) and Software Development Kits (SDKs) such as wxc_sdk. If you've had some experience with Python, even as a novice, the concepts introduced here shouldn't be overly complicated. If you're new to Python, don't worry; we've provided enough guidance for you to complete the tasks with little to no prior knowledge.
For all Python coding in this project, you will use Visual Studio Code (VS Code), a popular free source code editor from Microsoft. You will edit and run your Python code and the Provisioning Portal in this lab environment on a remote Linux development server. Your Pod's dedicated development server will have a web-based VS Code instance running. This web-based VS Code application is called code-server. You can find more information about VS Code, code-server, and your development environment in the Reference section.
One of VS Code's features is the ability to run applications from within the development environment.
Congratulations on successfully running your first Python program in Visual Studio Code! You are now well-equipped to delve into the world of Cisco Collaboration APIs using Python.